2024 Tree Varieties

Acer davidii 'Snakebark Maple'
A fast-growing, vigorous maple with notably attractive bark which has silvery-grey stripes on an olive-green trunk.
Has an open habit with a flat-topped outline. Vibrant green leaves turn attractive shades of red, yellow and orange in autumn. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' - Red Japanese Maple
Deep maroon-red foliage during Spring and Summer, turns a vibrant red in Autumn. Distinctive small upright tree with showy red seeds.
Suits a sunny, well-drained position that will allow this maple to show off its full range of colours. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace' - Red Japanese Maple
This popular Japanese maple has deeply-lobed leaves resembling lace, which turn a burgundy-wine colour through summer before changing to scarlet in autumn.
It has a spreading growth habit, making it suitable for smaller gardens as a shade tree. It prefers moist, well-drained soils. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Crimson Queen' Weeping Red Maple
The emerging red foliage matures to a deep red-purple, before turning scarlet in autumn. Finely cut-leaved Japanese maple with a weeping habit. Great option for containers or as a medium sized shade tree.
Suited to a sunny, sheltered, well-drained position that will allow this maple to show off its full range of colours. Cold hardy. Deciduous

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Orangeola' Weeping Maple
With branches that weep down to the ground, forming a rounded mound, this is a favourite garden tree. In spring, the new growth appears in an orange-red colour, which matures to green during the summer.
Autumn sees a stunning display of bright orange-red autumn colours. It is an excellent option for container planting and prefers moist, well-drained soils. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' Japanese Maple
One of the most brilliant Japanese maples for Autumn colour. Emerging bright green leaves mature to a rich green, before turning a fiery scarlet-orange in Autumn.
Suited to a sunny, sheltered, well-drained position that will allow this maple to show off its full range of colours. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum 'Senkaki' Coral Bark Maple
Emerging green foliage matures to a buttery gold; in Winter, leaf-fall reveals brilliantly coloured coral red stems, a feature in itself.
Suited to a sunny, sheltered, well-drained position that will allow this maple to show off its full range of colours. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum 'Shidava Gold' Dwarf Golden Maple
The emerging soft yellow Spring leaves mature to a pretty lime-green, before turning a bright golden yellow in Autumn. New shoots are also a soft yellow.
Suited to a sunny, sheltered, well-drained position that will allow this maple to show off its full range of colours. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum 'Shaina' Dwarf Bloodgold Maple
The new leaves emerge red, maturing to bright red, before turning a dark maroon in Autumn. A dwarf maple, makes it ideal for container growing, it's compact habit also means it can be trimmed to shape easily. Suited to a sunny, sheltered, and well-drained position. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Seriyu' Laceleaf Japanese Maple
An upright growing form with elegant, spreading branches. Its finely-cut leaves are bright green and have a lacy texture. During autumn, the leaves turn beautiful shades of gold, orange, and red. It is well-suited for smaller gardens and thrives in moist, well-drained soils. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer rubrum Red Maple
A reliable tree with large dark-green leaves with fantastic scarlet-red autumn colour. Bearing small, red flowers in the early to mid-spring. An excellent choice for streets, parks, or large gardens. It thrives in moist, well-drained soil and full-sun conditions, but it is also capable of growing in a range of soils, including sandy, heavy clay, peat, dry, and poor-draining soil.
Also able to tolerate windy conditions. Cold hardy. Deciduous.

Acer rubrum 'Armstrong' Armstrong Red Maple
This upright Red Maple features a narrow, columnar form, making it an ideal choice for avenues, streets, and berms. Characteristic fiery autumn display of purple through orange to yellow. Small, red flowers adorn the tree in the early to mid-spring. It thrives in moist, well-drained soil and full-sun conditions, but it is also capable of growing in a range of soils, including sandy, heavy clay, peat, dry, and poor-draining soil. Additionally, Acer rubrum 'Armstrong' is cold-hardy and able to tolerate windy conditions. Deciduous.

Acer rubrum 'Bowhall' Canadian Maple
An upright, columnar shape makes this tree an excellent choice for avenues or street planting. It is quick-growing and has the fantastic fiery autumn display that is such a characteristic of the Red Maple family. It bears small, red flowers during the early to mid-spring period. It thrives in moist, well-drained soil and full-sun conditions, but it is also capable of growing in a range of soils, including sandy, heavy clay, peat, dry, and poor-draining soil. Additionally, Acer rubrum 'Bowhall' is cold-hardy and able to tolerate windy conditions. Deciduous.

Agathis australis 'NZ Kauri'
New Zealand's best known Native tree. Kauri are slow growing and maintains their juvenile, pyramidal form for up to 50 years. Narrow leathery leaves are an attractive Bronze-green colour. Smooth grey bark turning scaly when mature.
Adult trees form a straight-trunked stately round headed tree. Grows best in rich, fertile, moist, well-draining soil. An excellent statement tree. Evergreen.

Albizia julibrissin Silk Tree
An ideal shade tree for garden or lawn. The spreading habit of this stunning tree provides a soft ferny canopy that creates stunning dappled light.
Soft fluffy, pink flowers appear above the foliage during summer. Tolerates heat and dry periods. Hardy. Deciduous.

Alnus glutinosa 'lmperialis' Cut Leaf Alder
This unique deeply cut-leaved Alder creates a slender figure that reaches the heights quicker than most. Its lacy leaves and pyramidal form are a real feature, superbly suited to avenue planting. Catkins appear in spring, followed by false cones favoured by birds.
The green leaves lighten to a yellow before dropping away. A hardy tree adaptable to most soils. Hardy. Deciduous.

Betula pendula 'Alba' Silver Birch
Betula pendula 'Alba' is an upright deciduous tree with a beautiful silver-white trunk, pendulous branches and silvery green foliage.
Its leaves change from green to gold in autumn which makes it a lovely tree for year-round interest. Hardy. Deciduous.

Betula utilis subsp 'Jaquemontii' Silver Birch
A stunning addition to any landscape, on its own or in a group planting. Featuring dazzling white peeling bark that extends from top to bottom and remains even maturity.
Its growth habit is neat and erect, and its large tapering dark-green leaves turn a bright yellow color during the autumn season. Hardy. Deciduous.

Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' Judas Tree
A stunning addition to any landscape, on its own or in a group planting. Featuring dazzling white peeling bark that extends from top to bottom and remains even maturity.
Its growth habit is neat and erect, and its large tapering dark-green leaves turn a bright yellow color during the autumn season. Hardy. Deciduous.

Cercis canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' Golden Hearts
The first gold foliaged Cercis. A wonderful small tree, the new leaves emerge with a tint of bronze before turning brilliant yellow.
Masses of lavender purple flowers emerge on bare stems in early spring before the foliage. Full Sun or Part Shade. Frost Hardy. Dry Tolerant. Deciduous.

Cercis canadensis 'Merlot' Redbud Tree
Large glossy deep purple foliage make this a real feature plant in any garden. An improved version of 'Forest Pansy' with bolder, glossy foliage.
The branches are covered in masses of small bright pink pea sized blossoms in early spring before the foliage appears. PVR protected. Full Sun or Part Shade Frost Hardy. Deciduous.

Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls' Weeping Redbud
My father's favourite tree! A wonderful, elegant weeping habit with foliage of ruby red through the summer months, touches of green, turning red and orange in autumn. Covered in masses of rose purple blooms in early spring before the foliage appears.
Excellent choice for a small garden, stunning in a large container. PVR protected. Full Sun or Part Shade. Frost Hardy. Deciduous.

Cercis canadensis 'Texas White' White Judas Tree
Beautiful white flowering form of the popular Judas Tree. The bare stems of the tree are smothered in pure white, small pea shaped flowers through the spring followed by glossy green heart shaped leaves.
A nice medium-height tree for the home garden. Full Sun/ Part Shade Frost Hardy Dry Tolerant. Deciduous.

Cornus florida 'Eddie's White Wonder' Flowering Dogwood
Upright tree with slightly weeping habit. Brilliant creamy-white large bracts cover the tree en mass during spring, followed by clusters of small red fruits.
Superb orange/scarlet autumn display. Flowers well in warmer regions. Deciduous.

Cornus kousa 'Milky Way' Flowering Dogwood
A remarkable small to medium sized tree. Smothered with large, flat, four-petalled, white, star-shaped flowers in early summer, making for a striking display. Produces red, strawberry-like fruit post flowering that is relished by birds. Autumn leaves turn into spectacular shades of red and purple, creating a beautiful display of colours. An underutilised tree in NZ, its exceptional growth habit, striking foliage and flowers make it an excellent street or landscape tree. Hardy. Deciduous.

Cornus kousa 'Moonbeam' Flowering Dogwood
Another lovely, underutilised dogwood. This tree is extremely eye catching when in bloom. The very large, pointed, creamy white floral bracts hang gracefully on layered branches reminiscent of its name.
Produces red, strawberry-like fruit post flowering that is relished by birds. Fantastic autumn colours. A very showy and attractive tree. Hardy. Deciduous.

Cornus kousa 'National' Flowering Dogwood
Another of my favourites! Creamy white star shaped bracts smother this small tree over late spring through to end of January and contrast nicely against the dark green foliage. Pinkish red strawberry like fruit in autumn along with stunning autumn tones on foliage prior to leaf fall.
The stunning white flowers hold on and keep on giving! Deciduous.

Davidia involucrata 'Dove Tree'
An impressive specimen, my Arboriculture tutor's favourite tree. Davidia have a point of difference, a rare, true tree-lovers tree. It has an upright, formative growth habit in early years, maturing to a broad, rounded head with time. It produces extraordinary white flowers that look like fluttering white handkerchiefs or doves in late spring, hanging gracefully beneath the beautifully ribbed leaves.
Shelter from strong winds. Deciduous and native to South Central and Southeast China.

Fagus sylvatica 'Riversii' Copper Beach
Darkest coloured of the copper beeches. Deep purple almost black, wavy margined leaves drop clean in winter.
Forms an excellent dome shaped shade or specimen tree or can be trained into a large screen or woven together to form a formal hedge. Deciduous.

Fraxinus oxycarpa 'Raywoodii' Claret Ash
An attractive medium-sized tree of compact habit. Popular specimen or avenue tree. Green foliage turns a spectacular rich claret red in autumn.
Prefers full sun, with best colouring achieved in cooler locations. Hardy. Deciduous.

Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold' Golden Maidenhair Tree
Broad fan-like leathery light green leaves resembling sections of a maidenhair fern. Spectacular autumn colouring of bright yellow over a long period. This is the male clone which does not have any fruit.
Forms a pyramidal tree with symmetrical branches and grey corky bark. An excellent specimen tree. Deciduous.

Ginkgo biloba 'Fastigiata' Upright Maidenhair Tree
A very neat, narrowly erect form excellent for confined tight spaces. Underutilised in NZ. Bears usual deep green distinctive maidenhair leaves with brilliant golden tones in autumn. 'FastigÂiata' is an all-male cultivar.
Effective in narrow streets, avenues and small home gardens. Deciduous.

Ginkgo biloba 'Jade Butterflies' Dwarf Maidenhair Tree
Here's something special - a dwarf male form of the beautiful Ginkgo. The jade-green foliage fans out along the branches like beautiful hovering butterflies. Soft yellow autumn tones prior to leaf fall.
Prefers the sun and deep fertile soil. Deciduous.

Gleditsia tricanthos 'Ruby Lace' Red Honey Locust
Dark red young foliage in spring deepens to bronze over summer. A well behaved, graceful, round-headed small shade tree, with gracefully arching branches of fine fern-like foliage.
Hardy to cold and drought. Deciduous.

Gleditsia tricanthos 'Sunburst' Golden Honey Locust
A popular shade tree with bright, golden-yellow leaves in spring, darkening to lime-green over summer.
Lacy, feathery foliage gives pleasant, dappled shade. Tolerates hot, dry, and infertile conditions. Hardy. Deciduous.

Liquidamber styraciflua 'Gumball'
A unique form of Liquidambar with a dense, rounded habit. The foliage puts on a vibrant autumn display in tones of red and purple, holding well into winter.
Grafted on to a standard that forms a characterful 'corky' trunk, creating a lollipop-shaped standard effect. Great alternative to Robinia 'Mop Top'. Hardy. Deciduous.

Liquidamber styraciflua 'Worplesdon'
Liquidambar styraciflua 'Worplesdon' has an upright, pyramidal shape, and its outer branches droop gracefully. Its leaves are similar in shape to those of a maple tree, with fine cuts and deep lobes.
In the autumn, the leaves of Liquidambar styraciflua 'Worplesdon' are a striking mix of purple, red, orange, and yellow. Deciduous.

Liriodendron tulipifera 'Arnold' Tulip Tree
A vigorous tree with a columnar form, the distinctive shaped leaves turn a buttery-gold in Autumn, not long after the distinctive tulip shaped flowers have finished their summer show.
Those flowers are yellow-green, with orange insides and a scent reminiscent of magnolia. Ideal for street or avenue planting. Deciduous

Magnolia 'Black Tulip'
Raised in Taranaki by Mark Jury, this stunning Magnolia has large cup shaped blooms of an exceptionally dark ruby-red. Generous with bloom from a young age and a vigorous grower.
It's tidy shape and form lend itself to use in a number of situations. Plant in a sunny sheltered position in acid soil. PVR protected. Deciduous.

Magnolia 'Burgundy Star'
A stunning Magnolia with a narrow upright habit making it perfect for smaller spaces, avenues and as a street tree. The deep, burgundy wine flowers have a generous quantity of long narrow petals in a most attractive 'star' arrangement.
Also bred by Mark Jury in Taranaki. PVR protected. Deciduous.

Magnolia 'David Clulow'
A lovely Magnolia with traditional cup and saucer flowers. These are white with a hint of pink at the base.
The tree blooms at an early age and is reputed to be 'one of the best white MagnoliÂas. Protect from strong winds. Deciduous.

Magnolia 'Denudata'
This small, deciduous tree comes from Central China where it is planted to represent purity and candour. Masses of scented, ivory-white flowers appear from mid winter to early spring, putting on a stunning display just before the fresh green leaves.
A stunning feature tree, happiest in a sheltered spot. It's tidy shape and form lend itself to use in a number of situations. Deciduous.

Magnolia 'Deryk'
Produces rich, glowing, velvet-red flowers from late winter to early spring. It sets flowers on all tips, which can result in a slower growth rate. It's tidy shape and form lend itself to use in a number of situations.
Magnolia 'Deryk' is a seedling of Magnolia 'Genie'. raised by Magnolia Grove in Taranaki, New Zealand. Named in honour of Deryk Lawrence who raised various magnolia hybrids at the garden he developed with his wife, Nancy, in Otamarakau, New Zealand. Deciduous.

Magnolia 'Felix Jury'
This magnificent Magnolia hybrid was bred in NZ by Mark Jury and named to honor his father, Felix Jury. The magenta pink flowers are HUGE and appear from early spring. Quite a sight in full flower.
Plant in a sheltered spot in well drained acid soil for best results. A sturdy form with large leaves and unmatched large flowers. PVR protected. Deciduous.

Magnolia 'Starwars'
Large deep pink flower buds opening to pink even on very young plants.Starwars always puts on a stunning display.
Flowers are long lived and weather resistant. Excellent focal tree vigorous upright growth. Deciduous.

Magnolia 'Sundance'
Elegant tulip-shaped deep yellow fragrant flowers to 20cm across in mid spring. Planted up our drive, one of my favourite magnolias.
Tidy conical form, attractive foliage. Plant in well drained acid soil. Deciduous.

Magnolia 'Vulcan'
A garden showpiece. Brilliant ruby-red (not purple) campbelli type flowers. Smaller growing tree, flowers at an early age, fragrant too.
Vulcan is a spectacular sight in spring. It's tidy shape and form lend itself to use in a number of situations. Bred in Taranaki, by Mark Jury. PVR protected. Deciduous

Magnolia 'Little Gem'
Often referred to as the smaller version of Magnolia grandiflora, 'Little Gem' is popular for a number of reasons. This tree always looks good and tolerates just about any conditions. It stays compact and flowers freely.
The glossy green leaves are accented with a bronze under felt, and the large creamy white blooms are softly fragrant. Wonderful as a single specimen or as an avenue planting. Evergreen.

Metasequoia glyptostroboidies Dawn Redwood
A handsome tree all year round with a slender, pyramidal form similar to that of the California Redwood. It makes an excellent specimen tree with its upright growth habit.
Featuring soft, ferny leaves that are bright green during the summer season and turn red-brown to orange-brown as the season changes. For optimal growth, prefers soil that is able to retain moisture. Metasequoia glyptostroboides is deciduous and native to China.

Olive 'El Greco'
This olive from Greece has been selected for it's nice compact form, making a good choice for screening, hedging and shaping.
Great street tree or container grown option. Attractive grey green foliage and small white flowers followed by crops of small fruit that have good oil content. Happiest in the sun with protection from harsh wind. Evergreen.

Parrotia persica 'Pendula'
A weeping form of Parrotia persica. Featuring beautiful autumn colors of orange, yellow, red, and purple, making it an awesome choice as a feature tree. It requires ample space to grow. It is also capable of withstanding considerable drought and wind exposure.
During late winter to early spring, it produces stunning red flowers. Parrotia persica 'Pendula' originated in 1934 at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in London, England. Hardy. Deciduous.

Platanus x acerifolia London Plane
Absolutely bulletproof. A large, fast-growing, round-headed tree with large palmate leaves and an attractive light brown mottled trunk.
One of the world's most popular street trees, tolerant of compacted soils, heat and air pollution. Plane trees are the traditional tree for pollarding to create a compact 'lollipop' look. Hardy. Deciduous.

Podocarpus totara 'Matapouri Blue' Blue Totara
Matapouri Blue is a brilliant selection of our native totara with an upright pyramidal habit when young and beautiful blue grey foliage all year round. It's slow growth makes it easy to manage in any sized garden. Left alone it will grow into a magnificent specimen but with regular trimming it can be kept to almost any size. Used as a specimen, dense hedge, topiary subject or espalier it along a fence or wall. Likes full sun to part shade. Evergreen.

Prunus x yedoensis 'Awanui'
This super popular New Zealand variety was selected by Keith Adams at his nursery in New Plymouth. 'Awanui' was then commercialised in New Zealand by my father, Peter Fraser, when he owned Fraser's garden Centre in the Waikato.
'Awanui' smothers itself in a mass of pale pink blossoms in spring. It also has a showy display of autumn colour progressing from red to orange to yellow. A good, vigorous, disease resistant variety that is now a proven performer throughout New Zealand. Prunus 'Awanui' is ideal as a large shade tree or avenue planting. Growth is upright and spreading. Available in high graft and low budded forms. Deciduous

Prunus campanulata 'Felix Jury'
Like a lollie shop to the NZ Tui! Bred in NZ by Felix Jury and known here as the 'Tui Tree' because Tui just love the sweet nectar the flowers provide - in fact they go mad for it. A hybrid form of the 'Taiwan' flowering cherry.
Laden with large, rosy red clusters of bell shaped blooms that start to appear late winter/early spring. Not sterile. Deciduous.

Prunus cerasoides 'Puddum' Himalayan Cherry Tree
An attractive flowering Cherry with smooth bark that peels in horizontal layers. The pink, nectar laden blossom, loved by birds, appears when the branches are bare in winter.
Plant in a sunny well-drained position in a nice deep loam. Deciduous.

Prunus x subhirtella 'Falling Snow' Weeping White Cherry
A beautiful and graceful small tree with pendulous arching branches. In spring the branches are smothered in single white blossom that is blushed with just a hint of pink. Very pretty.
Fresh green summer foliage that colours well in autumn. Deciduous.

Prunus x subhirtella 'Pendula Rosea' Weeping Pink Cherry
Has an arching, graceful pendulous habit. In spring the branches are completely covered with sprays of dainty single pink blossoms.
Colourful autumn display of reds through to yellows. Use as a focal point in the border or perhaps even try in a large container. Deciduous.

Prunus persica 'Cascade' Weeping Peach Blossom
One of the most outstanding weeping trees. Very unusual in that it produces both white and pink flowers separately on the same tree.
Double blossom with separate ice white and pink flowers cascading down the weeping stems in early spring. Highly recommended and can be accommodated in any sized garden.

Prunus campanulata 'Pink Cloud'
A very pretty flowering Cherry which is one of the first to blossom in spring. A great sterile option for Tuis and the like. The flowers are a delicate shade of pink and smother the bare drooping branches in September. Foliage is noticeably dark from spring and colours very well in autumn.
Best to avoid strong winds so the blossom is kept on the tree for as long as possible. Sterile. Deciduous.

Prunus yedoensis 'Perpendens' Weeping Yoshino Cherry
A handsome weeping version of yedoensis, it adds a soft and graceful look to any landscape. Forms into a strong weeping dome-shaped tree.
Covered with blush white to pale pink blossom late September. Attractive gold to orange and red autumn colour. Stronger growing than the other weeping cherries. Hardy. Deciduous.

Prunus x subhirtella 'Southern Gem'
A New Zealand-bred flowering cherry known for its' long flowering period and year-round interest. Large delicate flowers open pink, fading to white throughout autumn, winter and spring.
Vibrant autumn foliage is yellow-orange, darkening to purple. An excellent selection for smaller spaces in the garden, or as an avenue or street tree.

Prunus serrulata 'Shimidsu Sakura'
One of the most attractive Japanese flowering cherries. A graceful, broadly spreading tree, great for shade or as a statement tree in the garden.
Double-pink flowers open to white and hang on branches in long clusters between October and November, later than other flowering cherries. Hardy. Deciduous.

Prunus serrulata 'Shirotae'
A superb shade tree with spreading horizontal habit. Snow white, fragrant large semi-double flowers in October combined with fresh green new foliage.
Stunning autumn colour turning shades of orange gold and crimson. One of our favourite cherries. Hardy. Deciduous.

Prunus campanulata 'Superba'
An upright, vigorous tree, heavenly feed to Tuis and Nectar loving birds. An improved and 'superb' version of the popular Prunus campanulata AKA 'The Tui Tree'.
Brilliant, hot pink, bell shaped blossoms smother the bare branches in late winter. Easy to grow in a sunny well drained spot. Non Sterile. Deciduous.

Prunus x yedoensis 'Te Mara'
A vigorous growing cherry with broad, upright growth habit, adding structure and height to the landscape. Producing large bunches of scented, shell-pink, single flowers that add a soft and delicate look to the landscape.
Typically blooms in early-spring, and the flowers are known to attract nectar-seeking birds, adding a touch of wildlife to the garden .. In the autumn months, the foliage turns shades of orange and red, and the leaves persist well into winter, adding a bright splash of colour to the landscape. Prunus x yedoensis 'Te Mara' was selected by Keith Adams at 10 Year Size his nursery in New Plymouth. Deciduous.

Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat' Upright Ornamental Pear
A showy tree with great form and autumn colour. Absolutely smothered with small white blossom in Spring, you could be forgiven for thinking it had snowed! Gorgeous glossy green leaves with wavy edges that are on fire in autumn with tones of hot red.
The decorative inedible fruits follow the white spring blossom. Forms a handsome pyramidal tree. Easy to grow. Deciduous.

Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' Weeping Silver Pear
A small standard tree with attractive weeping willow-like foliage. Silver colouring provides great contrast in the garden.
Creamy-white flowers followed by miniature ornamental pears. Easily trimmed. Hardy. Deciduous.

Quercus coccinea Scarlet Oak
With it's fiery-scarlet autumn leaves that persist well into winter, this is one of the best oaks for autumn colour. It forms a stately specimen with an open-branching structure that allows lawn to grow underneath.
Has a narrower form than most oaks. Quercus coccinea is deciduous and native to north-central and eastern United States. Deciduous.

Quercus palustris Pin Oak
Known for its pyramidal shape and graceful drooping branch formation. Handsome dark green foliage in summer that turns to fiery shades of red prior to leaf fall.
A beautiful specimen tree that is hardy, tolerant and easy to grow in anything but alkaline soils. Deciduous.

Quercus robur English Oak
The classic and much loved English Oak grows into a large, spreading tree with pale gray bark and shallowly-lobed green leaves that turn golden yellow prior to leaf fall.
The perfect tree for large gardens, pond edges or paddocks. Acorns are much loved by wild-life, especially ducks. Deciduous.

Quercus rubra Red Oak
The classic and much loved English Oak grows into a large, spreading tree with pale gray bark and shallowly-lobed green leaves that turn golden yellow prior to leaf fall.
The perfect tree for large gardens, pond edges or paddocks. Acorns are much loved by wild-life, especially ducks. Deciduous.

Salix vitelina 'Pendula Aurea' Golden Weeping Willow
An excellent choice as a shade tree for parks and paddocks and looks particularly great when planted next to water. Characterized by its graceful form, with arching, wide-spreading branches that weep to the ground, adding to its visual appeal.
Golden-yellow new branches are covered with slender, soft-green leaves. During autumn, the leaves turn a golden-yellow colour, adding to its seasonal interest. Salix vitellina 'Pendula Aurea' is correctly known as Salix x sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma', but the incorrect name has been retained for consistency with the New Zealand market.

Sequoia sempervirens California Redwood
These trees have a special place in my heart, there is in my opinion, no greater experience than mountain biking through these magnificent trees in the redwood forest in Rotorua. A large quick-growing evergreen redwood with the title of being 'the world's tallest tree' (California, USA) and also known to live for a long period. Has a stately pyramidal form with medium-green foliage and pleasant fragrance. Very useful for a variety of situations such as a quick-growing shelter, for laneways and specimen planting. Hardy, evergreen, conifer.

Sophora japonicum 'Pendula' Japanese Pagoda Tree
The 'Japanese Pagoda' is a stunning weeping tree with branches that cascade to the ground. Correct name is Styphnolobium japonicum 'Pendula' but more commonly referred to as Sophora in NZ.
The deep green oval leaflets turn soft yellow in autumn. In summer, creamy white pea like flowers appear in large clusters on mature trees. A special feature tree for the garden or a container. Deciduous.

Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd'
A tight, conical, bright emerald-green conifer which has become hugely popular in recent years. Works well as a hedge or to create a defined look in a formal garden. Great for narrow garden beds or large containers.
More tolerant of moisture than other conifers, does best in deep, moist, well-drained soil. Hardy. Evergreen.

706 Pirongia Road
RD6, Te Awamutu
Waikato, NZ.
Cam Fraser - owner
PH 021 224 8140
EMAIL info@advancedtrees.co.nz